
Audio effects are ways of processing your audio, changing the way the original audio sounds. There are generally considered to be five main categories of effects. There are 'Time-Based' effects like delays and reverbs. There are 'Modulation' effects like phasers, flangers, choruses and tremolos. There are 'Dynamic' effects like compressors and distortions. There are 'Spectral' effects like equalizers and panning. And finally, there are 'Filters'.

Audio Evolution Mobile provides a full range of high quality audio effects, covering all of the categories as well as other effects like Vocal Tune Pro (in-app purchase required) which don't fit neatly into any category. These will allow you to sculpt and refine your music and create exactly the sound you're after. In addition to Audio Evolution Mobile's own effects, you can also purchase the very highly respected ToneBoosters range of effects as in-app purchases, giving you access to professional 'plug-in' effects not usually found in mobile apps, at a reduced price of their desktop counterpart.

Whilst most mobile DAWs only allow you to have serial insert effects, and maybe effect sends, Audio Evolution Mobile also allows you to apply parallel effects processing using its FX Grid. It also allows you to apply modifiers (lock to tempo and LFO) to almost every effect parameter, allowing you to expand your creative possibilities even further.

Use these quick links to jump to a section.

What is Parallel Processing?

The FX Grid Screen

Using the FX Grid

Using Modifiers

Compressor Sidechaining

The ToneBooster Effects

NOTE. Please also see here for information on Send Effects and how to use them.