Touch Automation

Touch Mode Automation allows you to automate parameter changes without manually plotting automation points in the Automation Mode. When Touch Mode is active, all you have to do is physically change parameters in real time during playback and those changes will be recorded as automation to be repeated during subsequent playbacks and available to edit on the Automation mode screen.

NOTE. Almost all parameters in Audio Evolution can be automated using Touch Mode Automation. The exceptions to this are the parameter controls within the Evolution One and Flowtones synthesizer interfaces and the parameters within the Version 4 (V4) ToneBoosters effects. The Evolution One, Flowtones and the V4 effects CAN have their parameters automated though, it just needs to be done manually in the Automation Mode as described here.

To use Touch Mode Automation, you first need to activate Touch Mode. The button to do this can be found on the Mixer Screens, so, assuming you're starting from the Arranger Screen, you just need to press the Next button, at the top right, once to move to the Mixer Screen seen here.

The button you need to press to activate Touch Mode has been highlighted in the above screenshot. By default it will be in its standard Read Mode .

Pressing this Read button will change the mode to Touch as will be indicated on the button itself. You can freely move away from the Mixer Screen once the mode is activated, it will remain active.

With Touch Mode active, any changes you make to parameters (other than those mentioned in the note above) while the project is either playing back ,  or recording will be recorded as automation and create automation 'tracks' in the Automation Mode screen just as if you had created them manually.

If you want to edit, or remove, this automation, it can be done on the Automation Mode screen by selecting the relevant parameter in the parameter selector for the selected track. Remember, to help you, every parameter which has automation applied will be marked in the list of parameters with an asterisk (*).

To deactivate Touch Mode, return to the Mixer Screen using the Next button and press the Touch Mode button again. This will return the app to Read Mode .