Automation allows you to automatically alter the parameter values of your tracks, virtual instruments and effects throughout the duration of your project. It can be used to create sonic effects but is perhaps most often used as a mixing tool. Audio Evolution Mobile has three methods of applying automation. The first method is to manually plot your automation for each parameter using the Automation Mode. The second method is to record your parameter changes/automation in real time using the Touch mode. Lastly, the third method is to apply a Modifier to the parameter. This method is only available for Soundfont/SFZ instrument parameters and Effect parameters and is covered in their own sections, here (Soundfont/SFZ instrument parameters) and here (Effect parameters). In this section, we shall concentrate on the first two methods.
NOTE. Please be aware that Modifiers, applied to Soundfont/SFZ instrument parameters and Effect parameters override automation applied using other methods. As such, you will need to remove the modifier from a parameter before you will be able to apply alternative automation.
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