Keyboard Shortcuts
When a USB or Bluetooth keyboard is connected to your device, the following shortcuts are available in Audio Evolution Mobile.
Space bar / P / E = Play/Pause
S = Stop
Ctrl+S = Save
R = Record
Q = Quit
A = Arm/Un-arm track
B = Back to start
1..9 = Jump to marker
L = Set marker (also during playback)
- = Zoom out horizontally
+/= = Zoom in horizontally
[ = Zoom out vertically
] = Zoom in vertically
I = Import audio/MIDI file
U = Undo
Shift+U = Redo
T = Add Track
Arrow up/down = Track up/down
F3 / SHIFT+3 = Split clips
F4 / SHIFT+4 = Range mode
F6 / SHIFT+6 = Automation mode
F7 / SHIFT+7 = Undo
F8 / SHIFT+8 = Redo